Windows – Replace Shutdown button in Windows Start menu with Restart Button


IS there anyway I can remove the Shutdown button from Windows Server and replace it with Restart button? I know how to disable/remove Shutdown button through Local Computer policy but I don't know how to replace it with Restart button

Best Answer

Why not disable shutdown the Shutdown button and use a shortcut on your desktop or quicklaunch bar to restart?

Right-click on your desktop and select New> Shortcut

In the Type the location of the item: textbox enter %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -r

The -r parameter is used to restart the computer.

The following two parameters can be used with -r: -f Forces running applications to close without warning. -t xx Set timeout for restart to xx seconds.

The following command would reboot the computer instantly. %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -r -f -t 00

Click the Next > button and Name your shortcut.

Hope this helps.