Windows – Resizing the “Change Journal” in Vista


The only way I've found of resizing the "Change Journal" in Vista, is by going to safe-mode. That works fine, but I wonder if there is a better solution.

Here is resizing it from 32MB by default on my HDD to 256MB with 1MB increments:

fsutil usn deletejournal /D /N c:
fsutil usn createjournal m=268435456 a=1048576 c:
fsutil usn queryjournal c:

The code above if executed normally won't do anything (and it worked on XP). It also worked for my Vista's machine D: drive, but not C:

And the code would work once you boot in Safe mode + Command Promprt (hint: press F8 at boot and select it).

I guess the reason is some Windows Service, and usually that would be the old Indexing one, but I don't have it enabled. What others might be causing it?

Best Answer

The fsutil doc pages say that you must run fsutil as administrator, which would explain the behavior you're seeing.

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