Windows – Restoring Printer Settings


We're trying to standardise our printing environment to provide consistent settings across our various print queues. To do this, we would like create a settings file per model of printer so that they can be used to quickly deploy new Windows print servers and queues with standard settings.
We've used

Rundll32.exe PrintUI.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n <Queue> /a <SettingsFile>

to create the settings files without error. However, now that I am trying to use them to restore the settings on another server with

Rundll32.exe PrintUI.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n <Queue> /a <SettingsFile>

I'm getting the error "Operation could not be completed (error 0x0000000c)." This translates to the Windows error code: ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS, though that might be a red-herring.

Both the servers I'm using are Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM and my queues are both pointing at the same printer with the same driver installed. UAC is disabled on both machines and I am running as an Adminsitrator.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how to troubleshoot this issue? Alternatively, what methods could we use to provide consistent print queue settings at a per-device level for 100s of print queues?

Many thanks.

Best Answer

Apparently the rundll32.exe executable calls the 32-bit version of Tcpmonui.dll from the wrong location (probably due to wow64 filesystem redirection).

There's a hotfix available for Win7 64-bit and Windows 2008 R2 over at

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