Windows Route traffic to specific IP through secondary nic


Being reading about this on ServerFault but decided to open a new question, as I can't re-ask over existing threads.

2 computers, 2 nics:
Computer A – –
Computer B – –

I need to set a windows route, so traffic on computer A targeting ip use the secondary nic.

Been here:
How do I route traffic to a specific site/IP-block through one nic, with other traffic through another nic?
And here:
DFS Replication on Lan (with multiple subnets)

I want to make sure I'm not setting the route the wrong way:
route add mask

I'm trying this so some processes can get to the second computer using the faster link. Which would also reduce load on the primary nic.
These processes (such as dfsr, backup, etc.) do not allow you to specify the IP address they are bound to, so they are using the public facing address, and the route approach makes sense.

My situation is pretty much like the second link I posted, DFSR does not let you to chose the IP it's bound to, it does so by resolving the computer name within a domain.
Same with other processes we need to get flowing through secondary nic. So instead of having them going through the 100mb nic at, we want to route them through the 1000mb nic At least that's the logic 🙂

Here is the link to the setup drawing

Best Answer

Set the IP on your second NIC to one on the same network as your second machine - i.e. - and it will use that interface automatically. Don't use the, it adds unnecessary complications.

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