Windows – Run Active Directory Admin Center as another user


I am trying to run Active Directory Admin Center (dsac.exe) on Windows 7 as another user by means of creating a shortcut, rather than having to Shift+Right click and specify the user.

On Windows XP I could create a runas shortcut like this (forget for a moment that dsac.exe does not exist in Windows XP):

runas /user:DOMAIN\user dsac.exe

When I run this on Windows 7, the cmd style windows pops up and asks for the password for DOMAIN\user, but I get the following message:

Attempting to start dsac.exe as user "DOMAIN\user" ...
RUNAS ERROR: Unable to run - dsac.exe
740: The requested operation requires elevation.

How do I get Windows 7 to automatically run dsac.exe as a specified user? I'm happy to fill in a password prompt for the specified user, but would be even happier if there was a solution that cached the password, so I didn't have to enter it more than once a day.


The following worked, but feels a bit clunky:

runas /user:DOMAIN\user "cmd /c Start /B dsac.exe"

This prompts for the password, then throws up the UAC dialog, and then opens the app.

Is there a way to do this that bypasses the UAC dialog (without just turning off UAC altogether)?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, the only way to bypass UAC is to turn it off in policy. So I don't think you'll be able to run without the prompt.

To save yourself some trouble though, you can create a desktop shortcut with your command. When you run the shortcut, it should give you the UAC prompt, but then a command prompt to enter your password.

That way, at least you don't need to key in your command anymore.