Windows – Run programs on Windows with CYGWIN


I am running Windows 7. I have XAMPP for my Dev server. I also have a PHP command line tool called Phing which is a build script.

Using the Windows command prompt I can cd to my directory that has a build file and then just run the cammand phing and it will build my files.

Now I just installed CYGWIN for Windows and when I do the same process I get

Jason@Jason-Quad-PC /cygdrive/e/Server/htdocs/myframework/buildscript/build
$ phing
-bash: phing: command not found

So is there a way to get all my Windows stuff to work with CYGWIN like PHP and Phing?

Best Answer

I misread your question initially, phing I guess is not in /cygdrive/e/Server/htdocs/myframework/buildscript/build

You need to make sure the location of phing is in your Cygwin PATH.

Edit ~/.bash_profile (assuming you're using bash) and add another line at the bottom like this,


then start a new shell under Cygwin and try again.

If phing is in /cygdrive/e/Server/htdocs/myframework/buildscript/build and you're trying to execute it from there, then you need to know that Unix like operating system shells do not tend to look in the current directory for programmes to run, they only check the path.

To change that behaviour you need to add the local directory to the path like this,


or run the programme like this,

$ ./phing