Windows – Runas Domain Account Still Asks for Password

domainrunaswindowswindows 7

I'm using a Win7 computer that isn't joined to the domain. I want to be able to run a program, such as IE, under the domain user.

c:\> runas /noprofile /netonly /user:MyDomain\MyUser iexplore.exe

It asks for my password and starts up IE just fine. When I go to a site that requires my domain credentials, it asks me for my user/password again. It says my domain is the name of my computer, instead of the user I'm running as. If I try this same thing on a computer that is already joined to the domain, it doesn't ask for the user/password.

How can I have it so IE doesn't ask my domain credentials again, since I'm already running as that domain user?

When running SQL Server Management Studio, I'm able to connect to databases on the domain just fine, so I don't know why IE is asking for my credentials again.


Best Answer

Do you have the "Automatic logon using current username and password" option enabled in IE?

  • Internet Options | Security Tab
  • Click Local Intranet Zone and then the Custom Level button
  • In Security Settings under Logon, make sure the option is selected