Windows – samba access from win98


the admin installed a new file server in our institute:
OpenSuse 11.1 with Samba 3.2.7-11.3.2-2154-SUSE-CODE11.
They copied the smb.conf from the old machine (hosting Samba 3.0.0) to the new one.

Everything works as before, but one Windows 98 machine can see but not access the file server. It prompts for user authentication, but will not accept any user-password combination.

There exists a lot of discussion about the problem on the net, but none provided a clear answer to the problem.


  1. I changed Win98 registry enable plain-text passwords, and alternatively
    changed server's smb.conf and /etc/smbpasswd to accept encrypted passwords
  2. Further I provide a profile with a user-password combination on Win98 machine similar to one of the samba users-password combinations.
  3. I changed smb.conf such that the samba server is the Local Master Browser

All these changes are not necessary when using the older samba server. So, I conclude that a configuration problem on the server side is likely.

If you need any further information, I will post them here.

Best regards,

Best Answer

Save the world from bad password protocols, and install the Active Directory Client Extensions for Windows 98 onto the client. It enables a wider, and vastly more secure, suite of password protocols that Samba 3.2 also supports. Two articles:

How to enable NTLMv2 on Win98:

How to get the Client Extensions: