Windows – Screensaver startup script (batch or reg) GPO, silent install


I have an application, which after it disconnects from a VPN connection, resets the screensaver settings. What I'd like to do is create a GPO script or batch file to run every time the user logs into the workstation, without the user having to confirm the modifications.

Currently I have this reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_UESR\Control Panel\Desktop]

I've set this to run under GPO > UC > WS > Scripts > Logon > ScriptPath [Path to .reg file] | Script Params [regedit /s].

regedit /s as silent install.

Any suggestions one what might work better or fault in my setup?

Best Answer

I suggest looking at Group Policy Preferences - you can set "add this to the registry" directly in a group policy, without the need for a reg file and a script running regedit.

Although if you are running XP workstations they need to be on Service Pack 2, possibly with an XML update, to use GPO Preferences.