Windows – see Folder Permissions on Windows in a Tree View


Is there a way to see folder/file permissions in a collapsable tree view in Windows?

What I think I need is something like:

+ folder1 - EntAdmins[RWX],JoeBloggs[R--],Administrators[RWX]]
+ folder2 - EntAdmins[RWX],JoeBloggs[RWX],JoesWife[R--]Administrators[RWX]]

And so on for lots of folders.

Ideally the tool would do something like below; when the "+" is clicked:

- folder1
|---+ Subfolder1 - EntAdmins[RWX],JoeBloggs[R--],Administrators[RWX]]
|---+ Subfolder2 - EntAdmins[RWX],JoeBloggs[R--],Administrators[RWX]]
+ folder2 - EntAdmins[RWX],JoeBloggs[RWX],JoesWife[R--]Administrators[RWX]]

Does something like this exist for Windows? I need to scan hundreds of folders for their permissions and would prefer not to do the right click and "Properties | Security | Advanced" just to see the permissions.

Best Answer

AccessEnum from Microsoft Sysinternals does most of what you requested. It does not however have the facility to drill down, but it's a very useful tool nonetheless.

Give it a try!

AccessEnum Screenshot

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