Windows Server 2003 crashes, Nothing in Event Viewer


We have a Windows 2003 Server that crashes relatively regularly (about once every week). At the time the server crashes, there isn't any information in the event logs. Not in Application, not in Security, and not in System. The monitoring system (Nagios) does not report any abnormal conditions on the machine near the time of crash. And when I say crash I mean the server turns off, not merely a blue screen.

I have made some guesses about the cause of the crashes, but so far nothing has proved to be correct. Does anyone know where I can find further information (e.g. logs) or provide any helpful guesses as to the cause?

Best Answer

How is the power situation where the server is located?

At a former job site, the building would test the backup generators regularly, which might cause systems to power off if not hooked into a working UPS. Granted, the building management did tell everyone that this was a standard policy.

Is there any pattern when the servers crash? Or is it random throughout the week?

I've also encountered sites where the power lines themselves into the server closet were poor, causing the UPS devices to kick in every few minutes due to voltage drops or spikes.

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