Windows Server 2003 – Give User Full Admin Privileges


I am running Windows Server 2003. There are a couple of user accounts that I would like to promote to Administrator accounts. I've tried several ways to do so, but I am still relatively new to setting up a server. If anyone has any ideas on how to go about promoting these users, I thank you in advance.

EDIT: I should probably mention that this a domain controller. I didn't realize that this changed the answer I was looking for. I apologize, like I said before I am new to the world of servers.

EDIT #2: I've added the users to the Administrator group like most of the answer recommended, but the users don't seem to have admin rights yet. I think this might be because they are also in the Domain Users group, which I can't seem to be able to remove them from.

Best Answer

When in computer management instead of going to "users" go to the "groups" section. Open up the administrator group and add the users to that group.


You should be able to open up Administrative Tools -> Computer Manager -> Expand Local Users and Groups and find the group section - UNLESS there is some sort of domain policy not allowing you to see this group. It's entirely possible YOU are not a local administrator of that machine and therefore unable to see or make these changes?

If you want to do it at the domain level:

You need to log into the domain controller and open up users and groups and add the people to the domain admins group (IF you want them to be domain administrators)

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