Windows Server 2003 Services are stopping every 15-20 minutes


We have a new server installation that has a handful of services failing over and over. They include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Computer Browser
  • Server
  • Help and Support
  • HID Input Service
  • Cryptographic Services
  • Task Scheduler
  • Secondary Logon

There are probably half a dozen other services that I believe are failing as well. The most crucial are obviously the first two, as we need them working for all our shares to function. I have set all services to restart immediately when they fail, but the problem is that the event log is not showing anything when the services fail. It's only throwing up errors from other apps trying to access shares, so I'm not able to really see what's going on with this. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: I have not been able to run sfc yet, as I am only able to access the server remotely. However, in the meantime, this server is having more severe problems, it seems. It has, three times in less than a week, frozen up completely, such that it is not even possible to log-in, locally or remotely. I'm seeing this error a lot in the event log now: "UPS Communication Loss: Occurred on 27-Apr-2011 3:23:00 AM at device "[%IPaddress%]%servername%/UPS02"." The source is Liebert Multilink and the event ID is 1.

Best Answer

Revert the changes done to the restart option, clear the log and reboot the server. Submit eventid for the errors which will happen when the services will be restarted.

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