Windows Server 2003 SNMP Disk I/O OID’s


It's been about few years since I went near SNMP and I now need to capture some metrics from Windows Servers via SNMP.

The last time I did something like this I used iReasoning's MIB Browser to discover some APC networked power outlets OID's.

I vaguely remember having to load a MIB file for the APC's into the MIB browser and seeing the OID's for various metrics.

What MIB file(s) do I need to load to discover the OID's for Windows Server 2003 and 2008 disk metrics?

Best Answer

The top of the Windows disk SNMP tree is ., also known as "" When I built an SNMP script to grab these kinds of metrics, it was pretty obvious which sub-OIDs belonged to cluster size, allocated space, free space, and volume name.

The one gotcha to be aware of is that Windows does not present directory-mounted volumes this way. So if you have a volume mounted to "F:\Backups", you'll see "F:\" in the list, but not "F:\Backups". The only way I found to grab that data was to delve into WMI.