Windows server 2003 vs. 2008 performance


on my development workstation in work I have Win server 2003 R2 x64. Now PC and OS are dead, so I decide to install new OS. I am thinking about Windows server 2008 R2 x64.

So I have couple of questions:

  • what about performance comparison on same HW?
  • what about desktop work on 2008 (VS 2008 development, web development, coding graphic, multimedia, gaming 🙂 )
  • stability

Edit: HW on which I need OS reinstall: MB:Asus M2n SLI Deluxe, CPU: Athlon X2 5000+, 4GB DDR2, and some HDDs

I appreciate all advices and personal experiences.


Best Answer

Server 2008 R2 is built of the same code as Windows 7. You'll notice the same performance increase between going from Windows XP to Windows 7 as you will with Server 2003 to Server 2008 R2.

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