Windows Server 2008 R2 Backup Logon Failure


I am trying to create a scheduled backup on a Server 2008 R2 box (using the built-in Windows Server Backup UI). Whenever I run a backup manually (image or otherwise), it works perfectly. When I try to schedule the same backup I get all the way to the end and it pops up an error saying:

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password

I'm copying to a network drive via a UNC path, but I've confirmed the user/pass I'm entering there are correct (if entered wrong it immediately prompts again). Once this error pops up, I hit OK and the status just says "The backup schedule was not created."

As a final note, this had been tried under both the built-in administrator account and a separate admin account. It's a standalone box (no domain) and both accounts I've tried under are part of the local Administrators group.

Best Answer

I believe (but don't quote me) that Windows Backup on Windows Server 2008 R2 uses the task scheduler. You should be able to check the task scheduler and set which login account the scheduler is using. It might just need the password. Though typically it will run under a "system account", that has the necessary privledges.

You will probably need to find an account that has access to the UNC and has local admin privledges on the box you are backing up. I believe that you can use teh same username and password on both and it should work so long as you set the Username and password in the task manager to match.