Windows Server 2008 R2: CPU spikes randomly…how can I find the culprit


On my dual-socket server, I occasionally see that CPU usage absolutely spikes to 100% on all cores for about 5 seconds at random periods during the day. It happens about once or twice a day. The only reason I found out about this was due to the logs of another application I'm running. What tools does Windows Server 2008 R2 have that will help me catch exactly what is doing this? I'm not running anything that should ever max out all 12 cores at once.

Best Answer

Performance Monitor.

I'd use perfmon.exe to set up CPU logging and record what process is causing the spikes. Once you know, you can dig into the process in question with any number of tools, including more detailed logging with perfmon.exe, if you still need help after finding the misbehaving process.