Windows Server 2008 R2 DHCP Server with multiple DNS servers


We have two DC's running Windows Server 2008 R2. Each server has DNS running and one has DHCP running.

I have configured the scopes etc. and added two DNS servers to the configuration:

DNS Server setup

As you can see I have entered the two IP's .50 and .60.

When I try and test this (using a Macbook) I get given an IP address, the gateway is correct and the domain is showing as it should. For some reason though, I only get given one DNS server:

Macbook Network settings

To be on the safe side I double checked 'nslookup':

danny$ nslookup

server Default server: Address:

Any help or advice would be appreciated!

Best Answer

I think I've worked out what I missed - I had added the DNS server manually which is why it then ignored the second one. A hint for future ref; if you Mac shows the IP's in grey then they are set by the DHCP server. If they are shown in black then they are manual entries.