Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Manager not working -> mmc.exe crashes with System.IO.FileNotFoundException -> Hyper-V role guilty


Since some days ago I can't run the Server Manager, it fails like this:

 Stopped working
Firma con problemas:
 Nombre del evento de problema: CLR20r3
 Firma del problema 01: mmc.exe
 Firma del problema 02: 6.1.7600.16385
 Firma del problema 03: 4a5bc808
 Firma del problema 04: System.Management
 Firma del problema 05:
 Firma del problema 06: 4ca2baf0
 Firma del problema 07: 32f
 Firma del problema 08: 12b
 Firma del problema 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
 Versión del sistema operativo: 6.1.7601.

There are other strange syntoms in the SO:

  • Hyper-V stopped working as well, fails to load any VM information

  • The desktop icons rearrange themselves all the time, and always on boot, after I move them. I use now an app that remembers their position to restore it…

  • Windows Update service dissapeared, along with BITS service, I managed to recover them and installed all updates availables today

I'm going nuts looking for information about these errors.

Solutions that didn't work:

  • sfc /scannow Doesn't complain about anything

  • All windows updates applied (after recovering missing Windows Update)

  • ServerManager.log:

    Only one error all the time:

    Error (Id=0) System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706D9): No hay más extremos disponibles desde el asignador de extremos. (Excepción de HRESULT: 0x800706D9)
    en Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.NativeMethods.INetFwPolicy2.IsRuleGroupCurrentlyEnabled(String group)
    en Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.DirectResult.GetRemoteManagementEnabled()

    In english : "There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper"

Where could I see which is the infamous file that mmc.exe is looking for in that System.IO.FileNotFoundException??

Please, any light on this would be much appreciated…

EDIT: It seems the Hyper-V role is the culprit of server manager not working. Uninstalling it from Powershell makes Server manager work again, but allows to do nothing until reboot. When rebooting it cant remove the role and the server manager fails all over again with the same FileNotFoundException.

EDIT2: Need a way to uninstall Hyper-V Role (even by brute force) or fix it (maybe finding the file missing somehow, ServerManager.log is of no use)

EDIT3: Still waiting for any help leading to solve the problem anyhow.

Best Answer

Finally the problem was the Hyper-V role. I remembered that it was the first thing that started to bother with problems.

Using Powershell I did this:

 PS C:\Windows\system32>  Get-WindowsFeature

Display Name                                            Name
------------                                            ----
[ ] Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services     ADLDS
[ ] Active Directory Rights Management Services         ADRMS
[ ] Servidor de Active Directory Rights Manageme... ADRMS-Server
[ ] Compatibilidad con la federación de identidades ADRMS-Identity
Get-WindowsFeature : No se puede encontrar el módulo especificado. (Excepción de HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
En línea: 1 Carácter: 20
+  Get-WindowsFeature <<<<
+ CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-WindowsFeature], FileNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.IO.FileNotFoundException,Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.GetWindowsFeatureCommand

And it was the same IOException that when trying to run de Server Manager, so I though I could try to eliminate the suspicious worng module, the hyper-V:

PS C:\Windows\system32> Remove-WindowsFeature Hyper-V
ADVERTENCIA: [Eliminación] correcta: [Hyper-V] Hyper-V. Debe reiniciar este servidor para finalizar el proceso de eliminación.

Success Restart Needed Exit Code Feature Result
------- -------------- --------- --------------
True    Yes            Succes... {Hyper-V}

And now the Server Manager is working again!!!

I'll try to re-add the Hyper-V role but I don't need it , by now...

Thanks for your suggestions.