Windows Server 2008 R2: Syncing Primary Domain Controller to Internet Time (MS time server) error


Using a Microsoft resources to sync my PDC to microsoft's time I used the following command as an administerator on cmd

w32tm /config /computer:<<PDC-FQDN>> / /syncfromflags:manual /update

but this returns << was unexpected at this time what can I do to solve this and sync my pdc to Microsoft Time servers to avoid any further hickups

EDIT: how do i substitue <<PDC-FQDN>>? I typed the name of my domain controller-domain name but that didn't work

Best Answer

Okay solved it, was just a matter of syntax, this is the default command from the microsoft site.

w32tm /config /computer:<<PDC-FQDN>> / /syncfromflags:manual /update

In order for it to execute you have to get rid of the "<< >>" and enter the name of you PDC with the domain name like "servername.domainname"

So suppose you server name (PDC name) is: mynewdomaincontroller1 and your domain name is:

Then this is how you will write the command: w32tm /config / / /syncfromflags:manual /update