Windows Server 2008 redirected folder files disappeared

folder-redirectionwindowswindows 7windows-server-2008

I had setup a Windows 2008 server to redirect My Documents using Group Policy. A user using Win7 had a couple of documents saved to My Documents and was good for a couple of days. One day I run Windows Update as an admin and it installs Win 7 SP1. After the install the computer reboots and the user logs in and all of the My Documents are gone. Can't find anywhere in the Users directory on the local computer and neither on the server.

One thing I did notice is the timestamp of the My Documents folder on the server for the user was set to the time the user logged in after SP1 was installed?

Did anyone else run into this issue and any ideas how the files could be recovered other than from backup?

Best Answer

I would double check your GPO settings to make sure you're looking for the files in the correct locaitons. I've seen them be put in all sorts of different locations \server\users, \server\profiles, etc. I've seen some places have both of those setup. Best way to make sure you have the right one is to check the GPO setting. If they still aren't there, well, that's what the backup is for.