Windows Server 2008, Stuck on TCP Handshake


The problem:

My Windows 2008 Server cannot establish TCP connections with remote machines.

Steps to reproduce:

I have a service running on a Windows 2008 Server machine on port 40.000 with the ip

From another Linux machine i try using Telnet 40000

This results in a connection with the state SYN_RECEIVED.

I use netstat -a | find "40000" to see all connections and after i try telnet, i can see 2 connections

  1. A connection thats listerning on port 40000
  2. A connection in state SYN_RECEIVED

The program has been tested on other machines and another Windows 2008 machine, where it worked.

Does anoyone have any ideas whats wrong and how to modify the windows 2008 server to make it work.

Best Answer

Ok, some obvious ones, but maybe they can help:

  • Does the server correctly accept other inbound connections like file sharing, remote desktop and so on?
  • Does the service accept connections from the server itself, i.e. telnet localhost 40000?
  • Is the service a .NET application? Windows Server 2008 can get a lot tricky with .NET framework sub-features.