Windows Server 2008 without telnet client – how to test connecting to remote ports without installing anything new


I'm looking to see if anyone knows of slick tricks to test connections to remote server ports from Windows server 2008 and variants that don't include the telnet client installed by default. Reason being, I sometimes have clients that want to connect to port 25 for example on a remote server and say they can't. I used to run a quick test by using "telent mailserver.tld 25" or whatever to see if I could get a response on that port. I don't want to have to install the telnet client just to test this if I dont have to – are there any other native windows utilities that will allow me to connect to a remote port?

lots of good ideas!

I think I'm going to use the following to decide the best method:

  1. Can I install onto the test server in question?

    a) If so add (and remove after if needed) the telnet client.

  2. Can't install but I have access to the net?

    a) grab the portable Putty and use that to connect to port 25

    b) try to open the mailserver on port 25 in IE (which is always available) and gauge the output

Best Answer

Nope. Either you're walking them through installing the telnet client native to Windows, or you're having them install Putty or a similar app. The functionality was deemed a security risk and so was turned off.