Windows server 2012 r2 AD: default unchecked “User Must Change Password at Next Logon” when manually reset password


When I manually change an user's password, I get the checkbox "User Must Change Password at Next Logon" (here in italian "Cambiamento obbligatorio password all'accesso successivo") checked by default.
What I want is to make this unchecked by default, is this possible? How?

enter image description here

PS: I cannot make the passwords non-expirable like in the following image because of company's policy.

enter image description here

EDIT #1: If I make the password non-expirable, I get the result I want to accompish like in the following image, unfourtunately I cannot do this for company's policy, so if I can make this in other ways good, if not peace for system administrators .

enter image description here

Best Answer

There is no way to have the checkbox unchecked in the wizard-dialogue by default,
edit: without adding the flag "password never expires" to the user's account that you are resetting the password for. The explanation is, that the flag "user must change password at next logon" actually sets the expiration date of the password in the past, forcing the user to change it at the next logon. Logically, this can only be done, if the account's password can expire.

And there is a difference between having to change the password at first logon (User cannot change password/Cambiamento password non consentito) having a password expiry interval (Password never expires/Nessuna scadenza password). There is no correlation between those two.

My personal advice: don't choose passwords for your users. A password should be known to only one person, which would be the user itself. I'd suggest you chose a temporary password and let the user indeed change it to a secret password upon first logon. You would not only follow best practices but avoid security risks and hand responsibility to your users.