Windows Server 2012 Remotedesktop: connect to a specific session host

rdsremote desktopwindowswindows-server-2012

in my test enviroment I have four remotedesktop session hosts and one broker.

Now I want to install software on each sesion host.
When I connect with the local administrator, it's all fine, but I have to logon with the domain administrator.

If I logon with the domain administrator my rds session is redirected to a random session host – bad for me, because I have to install something.

Is there a way to do a exciplit connect to a session host without activate login-lock of the other hosts?

I am grateful for every advice!

Best Answer

In your remote desktop client use the /adminswitch, depending on the client to connect to the console session of the terminal server.

The console session is immune from redirection by a session broker.



Is used for administration of a terminal server. In this version of Remote Desktop Connection, if the Terminal Server role service is installed on the remote computer, running mstsc /admin will do the following (for the current connection only):

  • Disable Terminal Services client access licensing.
  • Disable time zone redirection.
  • Disable TS Session Broker redirection.
  • Disable TS EasyPrint.

/admin also does the following on connections to Windows Server 2008 with the Terminal Server role service installed:

  • Disables Plug and Play device redirection for this connection only.
  • Changes the remote session theme to Windows Classic View for this connection only.

To connect to a remote computer with the Terminal Server role service installed, follow these steps:

  • Open the Command Prompt window by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, and then clicking Command Prompt.
  • Type mstsc /v:server /admin.