Windows Server 2016 completely turn off auto-reboot after updates


I want to make sure that Windows Server 2016 will definitely not reboot after an update has been manually installed.

The active hours only allow me to set 12 hours of active time unfortunately, and, for example, last week, we manually installed an update which is now asking for a reboot but only want to reboot this coming Friday.

However, I keep having to change the active hours every 12 hours as otherwise this thing will reboot by itself.

Is there no way of disabling auto-restart after an update has been installed? (since the active hours window is so small)

I know about the disable automatic restart for logged on users, but that's not as reliable.

I'm just dumbfounded that there isn't a GP for this. The usual choices in the GP don't apply in this case as, though they're set to download only, an update has already been manually installed and the server is wanting to reboot outside of its active hours…

I do know that certain updates are very critical and hence Server 2012 and such would do an automatic restart in 48 hours or so (I never worked out how to turn that off either aside from turning the Windows Update service off)

Is turning the windows update service off in 2016 as well the only surefire option to prevent it from rebooting itself outside of active hours?


Best Answer

You do not want to install a patch and then wait for the reboot - you are in a hybrid mode that you do NOT want to be in - patch and then reboot. Do not patch and wait - you are not getting the value of the patch - if you are just looking to pass an audit, you are cheating.

Patch or Die - it is that easy (and reboot is part of some patches)

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