Windows Server 2016 Remote Desktop Services Starting program


I've setup a Windows Server 2016 RDP server and everything works except for the in AD specified Starting program that won't launch.

The program specified exists on the server and it works perfectly on a Windows 2008 R2 RDP server, so I don't understand why it doesn't run on this Windows 2016 RDP server.

Active Directory Environment Starting Program

What am I doing wrong here? 🙂

Best Answer

According to Microsoft this is not a bug but rather a feature introduced with the changes to the Remote Connection Manager (RCM) in Windows Server 2016.


Starting in Windows Server 2016, RCM no longer queries the user’s object in AD DS. If you require RCM to query AD DS because you are using the Remote Desktop Services attributes, you must manually enable RCM. Use either of the following registry values to enable the behavior of RCM in Windows Servers 2012 R2 and earlier versions


Use either of the following registry values to enable the behavior of RCM in Windows Servers 2012 R2 and earlier versions:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services 
Name: fQueryUserConfigFromDC
Type: Reg_DWORD
Value: 1

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-tcp
Name: fQueryUserConfigFromDC
Type: Reg_DWORD
Value: 1