Windows Server 2019 – Windows Server 2019 IIS SMTP


I've added the SMTP feature to my Windows Server as every tutorial on the Internet does and restarted IIS.
But I can't see the SMTP virtual server under my sites:

Image of the issue here

What's wrong?
Is there any problem with SMTP and Windows Server 2019?

More general question:
How can I set up a mail server on my Windows Server 2019?

Best Answer

Every tutorial on the Internet I could find have this in common: installing the IIS 6 Management Compatibility.

Add features that are required for SMTP Server?

The SMTP service is configured using the IIS 6.0 Manager!

This may change soon...

Now, Features removed or planned for replacement starting with Windows Server, version 1709 suggests IIS 6 Management compatibility is going to be removed. I don't know what will happen to the SMTP service after that. Maybe it will be removed, too, or arranged differently, and then this answer becomes obsole.

How can I set up a mail server on my Windows Server 2019?