Windows Server : role of SYSTEM and CREATOR OWNER users


I'm working on a SBS2003 server, and I'm about to clean up on folder permissions. I notice that quite a few folders have the users SYSTEM and CREATOR OWNER set.

Now, I've found descriptions of the CREATOR OWNER user on the Internet, and I understand that this user is related to the creator of the folder/file. However, I'm unable to find any description of the SYSTEM user and what it is for. Can i safely remove it from folders/files? Will services running on the server suddenly not get access to those folders anymore?

Best Answer

System is the OS itself, sometimes also known as "Local System" or "System User". Also used by some services for maximum access to local resources.

Creator-Owner is whomever owns the object (which is, by default, whomever created it). This makes it possible to give greater control to the creator of files in a folder where multiple users can create, without giving them all that level of access to files created by others.

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