Windows – Set Time Zone for all Windows Servers on a Domain (2008 R2)


Is there a way I can set the time zone for all machines on my domain (perhaps using a group policy?). All the Windows machines are Server 2008 R2.

Best Answer

The command tzutil.exe is available on Windows 7 / 2008

TZUTIL </? | /g | /s TimeZoneID[_dstoff] | /l>

    /? Displays usage information.

    /g Displays the current time zone ID.

    /s TimeZoneID[_dstoff]
       Sets the current time zone using the specified time zone ID.
       The _dstoff suffix disables Daylight Saving Time adjustments
       for the time zone (where applicable).

    /l Lists all valid time zone IDs and display names. The output will
           <display name>
           <time zone ID>

    TZUTIL /g
    TZUTIL /s "Pacific Standard Time"
    TZUTIL /s "Pacific Standard Time_dstoff"

To set to UTC use a command like TZUTIL /s "UTC".