Windows – SFTP/SCP slow uploads in Windows, Fast in Linux


I recently moved from a VPS to a reseller hosting account for my little sites and I'm having a baffling issue since: uploading files to the server is dreadfully slow. Servers are CentOS, cPanel etc, the usual hosting environment. Now we could attribute this issue to my routing, internet speed, etc, if it wasn't for this: uploading from a Linux VM is much, much faster, some upload tests:

Apps used:

Windows: WinSCP, FileZilla
Linux (VMWare): FileZilla

Upload tests:

  • From VPS to the reseller server in ssh: very fast ~20 MB/s
  • Windows 10: starts fast, few MB/s, within 2-3 seconds goes down to ~100 KB/s
  • Win10 VM, Win7 VM: same issue with minor differences
  • Linux VM (LinuxMint): 10+ MB/s
  • Android phone with Fx Explorer, SCP (Wifi): very fast, a few MB/s
  • Asked a friend in another country to test: same issue
  • Tried with a VPN in various locations: same issue

Downloads are fast in all cases, only upload seems to be affected.

With the VPS I had no issues. It was physically located much closer to me (EU/EU, now it's EU/US), but if this was the problem the tests in Linux would be the same. The main difference between the old VPS and the new server is the new one requires TLS/SSL for ftp connections.

Any ideas what I could test to find the culprit?

Best Answer

Have you tried disabling the "Optimize connection buffer size" in the connection options of WinSCP? This is being posted as solution to problem in transfer speed all over the place, namely in WinSCP support forums.

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