Windows – Share Single Backup Drive with Mac and PC


I have an external 1.5TB HDD which I would like to use as a backup for both my Mac (OSX 10.5.7) and PC (Windows Server 2003). If possible, I would like to utilize Apple's built in Time Machine for the Mac backups and then use another tool (any recommendations?) on the PC to do incremental backups every so often.

Now, I've setup the HDD on the Mac with Time Machine and ran it. I then plugged the drive into the PC and using MacDrive (demo license), manually copied some files to backup just to test out. I plugged this HDD back into the Mac to see if it would be working and I got a disk not initialized error.

Any tips or ideas on how I can get around this or set it up some other way.

Best Answer

Are they on the same network? You could share the drive on the Mac and have the PC backup over a local network connection (I have my Mac and PC directly connected together for such a purpose.)

You could also possibly partition the drive into an NTFS partition (for your PC) and a HFS partition (for your Mac Time Machine.)

As far as backup software for the PC, it depends if you want the software to do a full backup including the OS, or if you want to to just backup your documents and the like. (The latter would work great with Unison or rsync.)

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