Windows – Sharing a symlinked (`mklink /d`) directory via SMB


I have a Windows 7 amd64 box where one directory is shared:

  • local path is d:\drop\
  • remote path is \\aloism\drop
  • from SMB point of view, Everyone has Read and Write permission
  • ACLs for the folder are set so that all authenticated users have read and write permissions:
    NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(OI)(CI)C (which is inherited to all levels below)

Now I create a symbolic link within the structure of the directory:

D:\drop>mklink /d tools2 tools
symbolic link created for tools2 <<===>> tools

The problem is that I can't access this new directory from any of the remote machines (a Windows 7 box and a Windows XP box—both behave the same way):

C:\>dir  \\aloism\drop\tools2\
Volume in drive \\aloism\drop is droot
Volume Serial Number is FA73-1897

Directory of \\aloism\drop\tools2

File Not Found

How can I make it work? Possibly also for files?

Best Answer

I think that you should use DFS for this kind of mappings. Another alternative would be NTFS junction point

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