Windows – Sharing/Security File/Folder Permissions


I'm trying to run an executable (.exe) from LAN without allowing users access to the contents of the LAN folder itself. e.g.

1) User clicks on a link in their email to an executable at a folder path e.g. I:\Folder A\setup.exe

2) On clicking the link, the installer runs

3) If user tries to access the folder i.e. I:\Folder A\, they are disallowed from seeing the contents of the folder by either a prompt or by not showing anything there.

Does anyone know how this could be done. Essentially, I just want to make sure users have execute only permissions for setup.exe. This is for NTFS permissions.

Best Answer

If you really want to do this, do the following (assuming that "Authenticated Users" should have rights to execute the SETUP.EXE):

  • Verify that the folder doesn't name "Authenticated Users" as having any permissions. If it does, remove them (either by removing permission directly set at that folder, or by breaking the inheritance hierarchy and then removing the permissions assigned).

  • On the SETUP.EXE file itself, set "Authenticated Users - Read and Execute" permission.

Users will able to execute the file if they know the path of the file, but they will not be able to access the folder.

I predict that your SETUP program will need access to other files in that folder, though, and won't work because the user executing SETUP won't have access to the other files. (Any why are users allowed to install software on their computers, anyway? Are they using their computers day-to-day with 'Administrator' accounts... shame...)