Windows – Shorcut to list pending updates in Microsoft Windows


Is it possible to create a shortcut to "View update history"?

Or, do you have a script (powershell, vbs, cmd, …) to list pending updates?

Best Answer

Give this Powershell script a try:

$update = new-object -com Microsoft.update.Session
$searcher = $update.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$pending = $searcher.Search("IsInstalled=0")
foreach($entry in $pending.Updates)
    Write-host "Title: " $entry.Title
    Write-host "Downloaded? " $entry.IsDownloaded
    Write-host "Description: " $entry.Description
    foreach($category in $entry.Categories)
        Write-host "Category: " $category.Name
    Write-host " "

Other object members you might be interested in can be view using:

$pending.Updates | member | more
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