Windows SMTP Relay Server to add BCC to all emails


I'm looking for a Windows based SMTP Relay Server which allows me to add a specific BCC field to all outgoing emails that relayed through this server.

The reason for such requirement is that we need to track if the email is actually sent. We're sending our email to end users via our cooperate email server. Currently we're receiving complaint that our end users did not receive our emails, but we don't have access to the email server's log.

At the same time, our developers are using a specific library which doesn't allows adding BCC, or it's much more tedious to do so than replacing our SMTP Relay with one that add BCC.

Currently we're using IIS' SMTP Server as our relay.


Best Answer

This is a technical query to resolve a social problem. Ask your e-mail server admin's for access to the log to prove that the e-mail was sent. Even adding a BCC to the outbound mail won't prove much, if it doesn't arrive, how do you know it didn't get eaten by some other server en route? You need to read your corporate mail server logs.

Or, at the very least, just subscribe to your own mailing list with a couple of e-mail addresses and see if you get the mail when the mail is sent to your users.