Windows – Some services in services.msc are not listed with sc query

mmcservicewindowswindows 10

Recently, my services.msc app has become very unresponsive and slow. Takes a few minutes to just open it. There are a number of issues with the services that are listed, but for one example I'll use AppFabricCachingService.

AppFabricCachingService is listed in services.msc. But if I do a

sc query AppFabricCachingService

I get

C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc query AppFabricCachingService
[SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060:
The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

The AppFabricCachingService is not listed here in the registry either.


Any thoughts on how to get the services.msc synced with SC and what is actually on the system?

I am using Windows 10

Best Answer

Turns out, I had previously connected my services.msc to another machine (rather than my local machine). When I changed the connection to the remote machine, I didn't think that it would be sticky and persist after closing and reopening the services.msc app. And enough time passed between reopening services.msc that I completely forgot about that change.

It wasn't until that remote machine was powered down for a few days that services.msc would complain at startup that the remote machine's RPC service was not available and would quit.