Windows – SQL Server 2008 – 2005 Compatibility

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I want to use SQL Server 2008, but I'd also like to maintain a fall back position of switching back to SQL Server 2005. I know I cannot backup 2008 to restore 2005 and detach/attach won't work – what are my options?

[Update] To those asking why, two reasons — one to develop from, where I can have access to 2008 features, but if a problem comes up or I don't find them useful enough, I can put my app back on 2005 and two, for run time so that if I find late in the game an unexpected problem.

Best Answer

Question in reply - why do you want 2005 as a fall-back position? Once you've tested your business-cycle on 2008 and are satisfied, shouldn't be any reason to move back.

You could try down-level transactional replication, but that's going to get very nasty very quickly for an entire database.

My advice - test, upgrade, don't look back.