Windows – SQL Server support for symbolic links

sql serversymbolic-linkwindows

Does SQL Server 2008+ support symbolically linked directories when making backups and restoring DBs?

My own test made use of a mapped network drive, which I made it appear by symbolically linking it as a local backup directory. I attempted to make a backup of a database to this symbolic link but received an error in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) stating that it was "unable to open the backup device".

Yes, SQL Server supports symbolic links, even over network shares provided SQL Server has the necessary permissions to access the network share.

Best Answer

Your issue has nothing to do with symbolic links; a mapped network drive only exists in the context of the user who mapped it: SQL Server runs in a completely different user context (unless you're running it under your own user account, which I don't think is the case), thus it simply can't see the same network drives you see.