Windows – Start/stop windows service as user from command line


How can I start a service from the command line e.g. net start "sql server (sqlexpress2016)" without running with elevated privileges?

The short answer is "you can't".
But how come then Services services.msc can start the same service without elevated privileges?
Is there a way to mimic this through the command line?

I am not looking for a way to change the service's security level but more like something on the command prompt like C:\>win-su net start SqlServer2016. where win-su has the rights and super powers to automagically recognise me as an admin and raise the security level for the net process.

Best Answer

You can change the local security policy settings (run secpol.msc, or create a GPO)

Go to Security Setting -> System Services and open the properties of the service. Then, you can change permission as desired.

service.msc uses elevated privileges, but the prompt is not shown since UAC is set on "level 3" and not 4 on your computer:

enter image description here