Windows – Tcpdump packet-PID correspondence

tcpdumpwindowswindows 7

So I've installed winpcap and use windump:

E:\>windump -i 2 -B 5000 -n -s 0 -l -C 1 -W 10 -e -q -X
windump: listening on \Device\NPF_{9718B3B1-6C96-4431-889B-2B1A37BED06E}
01:25:23.029278 00:19:5b:42:7b:b0 > 00:1e:8c:39:ea:64, IPv4, length 85: > tcp 31
        0x0000:  4520 0047 0070 4000 3706 8113 538c acd4  E..G.p@.7...S...
        0x0010:  c0a8 0105 1a0d c072 8272 c7b3 5be0 19fc  .......r.r..[...
        0x0020:  5018 0b08 c556 0000 5049 4e47 203a 706f  P....V..PING.:po
        0x0030:  7274 3830 632e 7365 2e71 7561 6b65 6e65
        0x0040:  742e 6f72 670d 0a              

How do I know, which process sent/got this packet? How can I know the PID?

Best Answer

Currently, WinDump doesn't support that (and tcpdump doesn't support it on any flavor of UN*X, nor does Wireshark on any OS).

However, recent versions of Microsoft Network Monitor do. It's free-as-in-beer, and has a GUI (which may be a bug or a feature in your case).