Windows – Temporary FTP accounts


I'm doing some work for a printing company right now. They'd like to setup a more secure FTP situation. It seems like, from what they've described to me, most printing companies have a general FTP account that they give the login info out to all of their clients to upload to. This is how theirs is currently setup. However, the problem is, the way the permissions are setup, you can view everybody else's uploads. They're trying to make their enviornment secure, but at the same time make it easy for clients to upload. I was telling them two quick things we could do is create client specific accounts or create temporary accounts (like 7 days) every time somebody needed to upload/download.

What would you recommend? What would be your ideal solution, and what would be most practical? They're currently using all windows based server.

Best Answer

I would create a different account for each client, locking them to their own directory. There is no way you want clients to see each other's work!
edit: just wanted to add, if you keep giving temp access out- it's going to annoy your repeat business. It's just as easy to setup perm accounts for them to use :)

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