Windows – trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed


I had a work computer (Windows 7) set up with local login (not domain login).
Later I needed to login to the domain.

So I made changes to join the domain by right-clicking on My computer and generating a network Id and entering the domain name there. I was successfully able to join the domain.

Now I cannot log back into the local login. I get the message saying "the trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed".

How do I fix this?

Thank you.

Best Answer

I saw this a couple times recently - my solution, which hasn't failed yet, was to unplug the network cable and log on to the machine as an admin and then plug the network back in once I got to the desktop. Hooray for cached credentials. At that point I believe I went through the motions of rejoining the domain which found the computer's domain account and asked if I wanted to use it, which I accepted.

It was a Windows 7 client on a SBS 2003 domain, I had previously logged in as an admin to setup some software.