Windows – Try to delete files used by IIS


I got a service coded in c# whoes deleted somes web site files hosted on iis, before an update. But sometime when i delete the files, they stay there.

If I try to delete them manually, via explorer, the file are not deletable, because they are in state "Delete pending".

There is the way my service try to delete the file

                  // Enlève tout les attributs sur le fichiers afin de s'assurer que le fichier n'est pas en lecture seul
                  File.SetAttributes(file, FileAttributes.Normal);

                  // Supprime le fichier

It's there a way to avoid this state ?

What can i do to force the delete by c# code?

Could i release all process to the file by c# code ?

The environnement is

IIS 7.5
Windows 2008-r2
.net 4.0


Best Answer

You'll want to find out what other process has the files open. I don't know how you'd do that programatically, but speaking as a sysadmin, the handle.exe utility from SysInternals (or their Process Explorer GUI tool) can show that to you real-time.

Then you'll want to either:

  1. Avoid the condition that causes the file to be locked by the other process,
  2. Close the handle if you can do so safely.