Windows – UAC in an Active Directory environment


At work, we've recently received a recommendation to have two separate accounts for domain administrators. One account would be a standard user account with no admin privileges and one would be a member of Domain Admins. While I can understand why this recommendation is being made, it seems like a royal pain as well.

I know that UAC manages this type of privilege escalation in a mostly transparent way. Is UAC or another solution capable of providing this level of protection?

Best Answer

Yes and no, it depends on your comfort with the risks involved. UAC definitely provides a layer of protection, akin to sudo in the linux world. However, if you just get used to blindly clicking Yes on all UAC prompts then the protection is somewhat reduced. If your account is straight-up not authorized to perform those actions then the accidental dismissal of a UAC prompt is not a danger.

Of course there are still dangers of being logged in under the domain admin account, but it's much more of an intentional action and you can separate the authorizations a lot more by having dual accounts. It also affords your organization an easier way to remove authorizations in the case that someone changes job function.