Windows – UDP port appears to be in use but is not shown in netstat or TCPView


I've encountered some strange behavior I don't understand. I'm installing software on a Windows 2003 Server. This software needs to bind to a specific UDP port an all TCP addresses in order to listen to requests. I seem to be able to bind to several ports of my choice but not others; specifically I can't bind to the one port I need, which is 5001. Other presumedly free ports like 5002, 5010 also fail. My first guess was "it's in use by another program", but it doesn't show either in netstat or TCPView (from sysinternals), so I'm at a loss about what to do about this. The program is getting socket error 10048 (address already in use).

These are example commands I use to try and find the "offending" program:

c:\>netstat -a -v -n -o -p udp

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           PID
  UDP            *:*                                    4
  UDP            *:*                                    512
  UDP           *:*                                    1980
  UDP           *:*                                    512
  UDP           *:*                                    5920
  UDP           *:*                                    5288
  UDP          *:*                                    856
  UDP         *:*                                    4376
  UDP        *:*                                    856
  UDP        *:*                                    4
  UDP        *:*                                    4

(No UDP port 5001 is in use!)


C:\> netstat -an | findstr 5001

(no output)

I run all tests using the local Administrator account to no avail. My program is written in C++ (Winsock 2), although I also performed quick tests with a simple VB6 program with the same results. There is no DNS service installed (which is known to reserve ranges of UDP ports).

How can I find the "offending" program, i.e., the program taking the UDP port I need to use?

Best Answer

Ports 5000 and 5001 are used by Yahoo Messenger. Don't know if both show when you netstat.

Also, 5001 is suspicious - I remember it was used by remote-access trojans. Sorry I have no details.

Have you tried to telnet to your server to port 5001? Is it really listening/in use?

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