Windows – Unable to do forwarding in BIND DNS


I have BIND working on Windows Server 2003. I want to forward my queries to another server. Recursion is working but forwarding is not working. Can you guide me to set it up? I have given the following in the options:

options { 
       directory "c:\named\zones"; 
       allow-transfer { none; }; 
       forward only; 
       forwarders { ; }; 
       recursion no;

Is the format for forwarding correct in the above.

If not what is the format. Am i to give any port number in the forwarders line? Does forwarding have any particular port number?

Thank You in advance….

Best Answer

Recursion should not be working, as you have "recursion no;".

options {
  recursion yes;
  allow-recursion { localhost; };
  forward only;
  forwarders {;; };
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