Windows – Very slow first handshake Apache


Any one having any ideas where should I start to fix this issue, the first handshake take sometimes up to 20s, but refreshes after that takes only 0.9s.

The setup,

100/10 Mbps
Windows OS
Intel Core 2 @ 3.0 GHz
And 7200 RPM HDD

Apache 2.4
Mod_Security Enabled
Mod_Deflate Enabled
Mod_Expires Enabled
Mod_ReWrite Enabled
PHP & MySQL on same machine.

I have seen much slower machines preforming better, therefor I think my problem is ony an optimization issue.

Best Answer

It seems that you have activated DNS resolving inside apache. This allow you to have hostnames instead of IPs in your apache logs.

If it is not the case, then best way to test is to analyze the network traffic. This can be done with:

  • a network sniffer like WireShark
  • a HTTP proxy/analyzer like Fiddler2
  • a browser plugin like FireBug

You can also start the investigation by running:

curl --trace-time -vI

Where is your site. Please add this output to your question.

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