Windows – Vista MSI installs fail with error 1327 after redirecting Documents folder


I have my personal profile's Documents folder redirected to a network drive H:\ . This was done by right clicking on Documents, Properties, choosing Location, and selecting H:\ .

I have a problem where some (I am not sure whether it is all) MSI installers will fail with an "Error 1327 Invalid Drive H:\" when I attempt to install them.

As a workaround, I can edit the registry at

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\

and set the registry key "Personal" temporarily back to "%USERPROFILE%\Documents", do the install, and then change it back. I don't know why this needs to be done though, as nothing is actually installed into that directory.

Does anyone have a more elegant solution?

Best Answer

Instead of mapping to the network drive "H:\", use the full UNC path: i.e. "\\server\user\docs"

This worked for me when I ran into the same issue~

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