Windows web server checklist


When you are deploying a new web server box what are the standard things you install on it and do to set it up?

What things do you do to ensure the box is locked down and not going to get compromised?

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What we do:

  • Put web server in DMZ
  • Put web server in a workgroup (not allowed to be on a domain)
  • Ensure all security patches are applied
  • Minimize services which are running
  • Use URLScan. Remove server fingerprint (RemoveServerHeader=1).
  • Harden TCP/IP stack
  • Apply IPSEC policy to only permit the traffic we want (whitelisting)
  • Rename default accounts so they can be targeted by typical scripts/tools.
  • Move default directories (InetPub, WWWRoot, etc.)
  • Minimize local user accounts.
  • All NetBIOS is removed or disabled.